Tag: aircrafts

The secret code flight attendants are using when they see an attractive passenger

Sometimes, a passenger catches the eye of a flight attendant. They are human, after all. And they don’t keep it a secret. They share their attraction with another crew member on the same flight. But they have to be discreet. They can’t say it out loud and risk being overheard. So they use special codes to communicate. They have a subtle way of talking about the hot passengers on board without anyone noticing. How do they do it? It’s very simple! Why airplane window shutters should be lifted during take-off ...

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Airplane: The code you never want to see on your boarding pass

If you’ve ever traveled by plane, whether for business or pleasure, you know how strict airport controls are now. Each airport has its own policy, especially on international flights. In addition to international rules, it may have imposed additional security measures to board the plane. Specifically, these checks are made at the point where your personal belongings are examined. The passwords that flight attendants say if they have "set their sights" on you Airplane: The code you never want to see on your boarding pass Security measures at airports are ...

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Why do plane-windows have a small hole?

Making a trip by planemany passengers choose to sit by the window rather than the corridor. The view offered by the planes from above is definitely unique especially if you pass over certain places. That's why most people choose to sit next to the window. If you belong to the category of those who choose the window seat, when you travel by plane, have you noticed the little hole that exists there? Probably not. It's a very, very small hole. Despite this, its small size is very important for flight ...

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