Tag: Fournoi beaqches

Fournoi: The small island with the “big” beaches that will blow your mind

Amidst the northern Aegean waters, nestled between the islands of Samos and Ikaria, lies an archipelago of tiny islets known as Fourni Korseon. The largest island, also called Fournoi, captivates visitors with its unspoiled charm and tranquil aura. Its lands were once favored by pirates as a refuge. But what renders Fourni so serene and yet so extraordinary? Mirror-like crystalline water at Antisamos beach Fournoi: An idyllic isle amidst the Aegean Sea’s waters Chora, the so-called main town The pulse of Fourni can be felt in Chora, the island’s most ...

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Fournoi: The quiet island of the eastern Aegean Sea

Small, alternative and carefree. Fournoi is the Aegean island that can offer you the absolute relaxation in your holidays. It is where you can move away from the mess of everyday life and live a few days of total relaxation and have a sense of how life is on an island. On this island, you not only see beauty but you also live this beauty in its absolute degree. And if you want to combine tranquillity and comfortableness with alternative cosmopolitan holidays, you can combine your escapade with accommodation in ...

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